Elemental forces in lomi lomi
Advanced course

The universe was created with archetypal elemental forces. For thousands of years these forces have been named according to the four elements, the seven classical planets, or otherwise. For example, we may distinguish between, “affirmative”, “activating” or “tenderly caring” qualities and call them e.g. Saturn, Mars or Venus.
Urkräfte in der LomiIn this course, we recognize the elemental forces through the choice of music, the rhythm and the arrangement of the lomi lomi practice. The elemental forces become part of the lomi lomi treatment.
In using these forces, we add a new dimension to the treatment, which can move the pracitioner as well as the patient deeply.
Professional practice
Masseurs and physiotherapists practice Lomi Lomi Nui bodywork within the scope of their own profession.
In Austria, Lomi Lomi Nui was formerly allocated to the business „Freier Energetiker“.
Import is beyond the formal registration the execution in one’s own surgery. We want to point out that maxing out all capabilities taught in the course corresponds to the sector of the massage therapist. Within the business „Freier Energetiker“ you can perform Lomi only without massage-techniques, as Lomi-Energetik-Treatment.