Kurse mit Herz, Gespür und Verstand

Lomi Lomi Practitioner Training

Traditional Hawaiian Bodywork

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To receive the Practiononer, 3 Lomi courses (120h) must be completed. The basic course is the basic requirement and should be attended first.


The three courses can be combined as follows:

  • 3x basic courses: Due to the already existing experience and new group constellation, there is a new quality of experience and intensity.
  • 2x basic course + 1x advanced course
  • 1x basic course + 2x advanced courses



Course dates & booking

Derzeit sind keine Termine verfügbar.


Course instructor

Lehrteam der Schloss-Schule

Lomi Lomi Practitioner
Aktueller Kurs: Lomi Lomi Nui – Practitioner 0,00 